Samuel Adams - Radical and Revolutionary

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Samuel Adams - Radical and Revolutionary Leader


Samuel Adams was a famous Boston patriot. He was best known for his writings that criticized the right of Britain to impose taxes on the colonies. He may have been the person who started the saying 'taxation without representation.'

Here we are going to study a little about his life.


In this assignment we are going to create a presentation about the life and work of Samuel Adams. We will work in our B groups.

Here are the steps:

Read and view. All group members - Go to this link and read about Samuel Adams. Each of you should read one or two items.

All group members - Go to this link and read about Samuel Adams.

Group member three - go to this link and learn about how Samuel Adams helped support Thomas Jefferson as he wrote the Declaration of Independence.

Brainstorm. When everyone has finished their job, complete your fact sheets about Samuel Adams.

To download a copy of the biography template, click here.

Read his biography sheet. Study the questions at the bottom. To get a copy of the biography sheet  click here.

Now it's time for the interview. You are going to interview Samuel Adams.

You need to find a group member or two who will pretend to be Mr. Adams.

Come up with six or seven questions you think will help us understand Mr. Adams. Go over them with Mr. Robbins.

After Mr. Robbins approves your questions, figure out what kind of interview you want to have with Mr. Adams. Will be for a radio or television station? How about a newspaper?

due date

Friday, September 21

Overstrike the dates on the above line and remove this line.

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